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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Brand Management, Dream, entrepreneur -

I love that my imagination still runs wild. I fully believe that my imagination is simply a preview to my pending reality. I am questioned often about my positive approach to life and my easy approach to even the most panic worthy situations. See, there is nothing in my imagination that tells me these situations will be the end of me. My imagination is a place where failure is only a steppingstone on a shallow river where I can clearly see my end goal just across the way. Now the steps don’t matter much. The distance is never too great...

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Dream, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship -

Those of us that dream have been given a gift. That gift magnifies when we wake up and complete any amount of work towards that dream.  When we focus on our dreams, they become inevitable. My father always tells us (my siblings and I) to be careful of the seeds we allow to be planted in our minds. As I got older,

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Grow, Growth, Mario Robinson -

Should technology adjust to us or should we continue to innovate in that space and allow the world the opportunity to catch up. Even after watching large enterprises like Blockbuster Video, Kodak, and even Movie Theaters fail to keep up with the demands of technology. We have to adjust to Technology and not the other way around. Will all cars and trucks be electric one day? Probably anything that isn’t a service vehicle. 

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Discipline, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, experience -

I know so many people who take clips from famous people and apply the words spoken in the 10second bit to their life. A while ago, telling would be entrepreneurs to “JUMP” became a catch phrase / buzz word. I watched and listened to stories of so many people who quit their jobs in order to follow their dreams. Everyone had a plan. But what is quickly learned is that you should never “JUMP” without a place to land. The average entrepreneur is going to need multiple streams of income so

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2022 Blog, 8 robinsons, Atlanta breakin events, Atlanta Events, bboy, bgirl, Brand Management, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Jerald Robinson, Mario Robinson, supadopefresh, Supadopefresh events, ThemRobinsonBoys -

Hiding from yourself and others often means that opportunity will not find you. I have never known opportunity to seek candidates in places where there is no like-minded activity. Everything that I am is a result of me performing and sharing my experiences as well as the results of those experiences. Then something almost magical happens. “Other People” begin to talk and broadcast about their experiences with you. Those words travel almost at the speed of light and go further than we could ever go on our own. They skip across social media and bounce around conversations on Airplanes and circulate through local communities.

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